Monday, August 6, 2012

Digital 2 Go , Helda Merna Wowiling, and 15 others have Tweets for you

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Finally, a Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker That Can Survive a Beating
Man, we love tough, waterproof gadgets—especially when they're gadgets that you're going to be taking from place to place. As it so happens, the Ecoxgear EXOBT is the first bluetooth speaker that's…

Apple courts The Fancy CEO: Pinterest challenge imminent
When you pick up a next-generation iPhone this Autumn, you may very well be working with a brand new integrated system for online sales of all things fancy -

Army seeking proposals for casualty-carrying UAVs
Combat is a grizzly business, and despite the best efforts of medical evacuation crews, it's not always feasible to send rescue teams into

How to watch the Mars landing
If all goes according to plan (knock wood) NASA's Curiosity Rover, a 1 ton, nuke-powered space robot that's traveled 345 million miles in eight months, will land on Mars Sunday night. Here's how you…

Bulu Tangkis Bakal Dicoret dari Olimpiade
Olahraga / Sabtu, 4 Agustus 2012 18:09 WIB, London: Cabang bulu tangkis terancam dicoret sebagai cabang yang dipertandingkan di Olimpiade. Hal itu dipicu ulah skandal permainan sabun yang dilakuan…


Damn Its TRUE! @damnitstrue 04 Aug
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful!
Retweeted by Firdɑ Fɑrɑdibɑ, Kartika Livy Areros and 2438 others
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goenawan mohamad @gm_gm 05 Aug
Hari ini sekitar 130 warga jemaat GKI Yasmin dan HKBP Filadelfia berdoa untuk Muslimin dan Muslimat yg dianiaya di Rohyngga.
Retweeted by avianti armand and 190 others
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Via Tumblr @viatumblr 04 Aug
Faking a smile is the most painful lie but the most effective way to hide from all the questions. #viatumblr
Retweeted by Lucia Resti Andani ♕, RATU RIMA ♕ and 730 others
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Jeannchristy Alvina @JeannChris 05 Aug
If you're single, focus on being a better you instead of looking for someone better than your ex
Retweeted by Helda Merna Wowiling and Vernando Zakarias
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Liam Payne @Real_Liam_Payne 05 Aug
100m im soo excited sooo buzzing im nervous i never get nervous whats goin onn!!!!
Retweeted by Firdɑ Fɑrɑdibɑ and 15665 others
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