Monday, November 5, 2012

Mariyatul Qibtiyah S, Dr. T., and 12 others have Tweets for you

After School ,
Here's what's happening on Twitter
  After School
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PlayStation Store redesign goes live in North America
Sony has rolled out the new user interface for its PlayStation Store for users in North America, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil. The update includes a variety of

Alt-week 11.03.12: zombie animals, martian methane and self healing buildings
Alt-week peels back the covers on some of the more curious sci-tech stories from the last seven days. After a week where large

"Nimbole Makan Kalo Ndak ada Rica"
Cabai atau rica, menjadi bumbu wajib kuliner di Manado. Tanpa si pedas ini, warga Manado tak bisa makan. - Lebih dari 3.000 mahasiswa Indonesia berangkat untuk merampungkan gelar S-1 dan S-2 di berbagai universitas di Eropa tiap tahunnya. Saat ini, terdapat 6.000 mahasiswa Indonesia yang mas...

PineSolutions Promotional Offer, PineSolutions Coupon Code, PineSolutions Discount Code
Discount Voucher for PineSolutions. Discount code provided by PineSolutions - Benefits: £75 discount With a minimum spend of £999. Coupon CodePineSolutions - Validity: Indefinite (on-going) - Published on 10/12/12 @ 02…


Lotus F1 Team @Lotus_F1Team 04 Nov
Come on Kimi... #F1LiveCartoons #F1
Retweeted by Mariyatul Qibtiyah S and 310 others
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Disneywords @disneywords 03 Nov
Go ahead and leave me. I deserve it. When it's too late, you'll see. Just wait. –Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Retweeted by RATU RIMA ♕ and 629 others
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Ayat Alkitab @AyatAlkitabKu 03 Nov
Bukan yang dilihat manusia yang dilihat Allah; manusia melihat apa yang di depan mata, tetapi TUHAN melihat hati. - 1 Samuel 16:7
Retweeted by Waraney W. Purukan and 993 others
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SherlyOctav @SherlyOctvianiH 04 Nov
RT @NasehatSuper: Semoga mereka yang selama ini mempersulit Anda dilunakkan hatinya oleh Tuhan, untuk kebaikannya dan kebaikan Anda. Aamiin
Retweeted by ℳarizka, RATU RIMA ♕ and 4 others
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Paul Ryan @PaulRyanVP 04 Nov
Wonderful to have my family on the campaign trail. Let's go O-H-I-O.
Retweeted by Dr. T. and 901 others
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