Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Digital 2 Go , tvOneNews, and 6 others have Tweets for you

After School ,
Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.
  After School

Digital 2 Go @digi2go

Why The Hell Doesn't McDonald's Serve Breakfast All Day?: Look, say what you will about McDonald's — they kno... bit.ly/161aLr2

10 Aug

Why the Hell Doesn't McDonald's Serve Breakfast All Day? (Updated)

Look, say what you will about McDonald's -- they know how to do breakfast. The Egg McMuffin is such a perfect packet of good-morning deliciousness, I swear Ronald McDonald must've cut his burger…


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Social Media New @social_m_n

High-Profile Silicon Valley Exec GUILTY of Mass Lego Theft bit.ly/18kRSNz

11 Aug

High-Profile Silicon Valley Exec GUILTY of Mass Lego Theft

It's a sordid tale of greed, power and Lego. Last Monday, Thomas Langenbach, a successful tech executive (and Lego fanboy) struck a deal with prosecutors and pled no contest to burgling tens of…


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Anak Pedagang @mkusumawijaya

@illiandeta ikut berperan? RT @detikcom: Sindir SBY Soal Patrialis Akbar, ICW Gelar Parodi Patrik Alis Star de.tk/siusi

11 Aug

Sindir SBY Soal Patrialis Akbar, ICW Gelar Parodi Patrik Alis Star

Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) menilai pengangkatan Patrialis Akbar menjadi hakim konstitusi adalah satu kemunduran bagi independensi Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Sebagai bentuk sindiran, ICW kemudian…

tvOneNews @tvOneNews

Bulu Tangkis: Tontowi/Liliyana Raih Juara Dunia 2013 tvonenews.tv/berita/view/73…

11 Aug


tvOneNews: Bulu Tangkis: Tontowi/Liliyana Raih Juara Dunia 2013 - Olahraga

Lady Boners @_LadyBoners

He even delivers me Starbucks, he is perfect! pic.twitter.com/cdg384NEKv

11 Aug



Alfredo Flores @AlfredoFlores

last time for a minute! #BELIEVE instagram.com/p/c3Cm4nyv1z/

11 Aug



Ludacris @Ludacris

Justin Bieber's face after I asked him where's my check for "baby" sellin 12 million. Lol… instagram.com/p/c22LXxQawL/

11 Aug



Dan Kanter @dankanter

11 Aug



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