Friday, August 15, 2014

Hi After School ! Take two minutes and get back on Twitter!

After School ,
  After School

We've missed you on Twitter!

So much is happening right now on Twitter, and building a great timeline is the way to really enjoy the service. Get to Twitter and start building a timeline that reflects you and your interests, you'll see how quickly Twitter becomes an invaluable part of your life.


Suggestions for you to follow

Reesk @rieskadwii
female | Indonesian | majoring English Education | a big fan of Chris Martin, HAHA & Iskandar Wijaya | Hate liars |
andreas suryonindito @Andreas_Suryo
Arstk-UAJY'06 l Part Time Traveller l Pride To Be Indonesian l Jesus Christ l With Love & Patience, Nothing Is Impossible, Trust Your Struggle -LandCode Studio-
raditya dika @radityadika
Penulis, aktor, dan sutradara. Next project: Malam Minggu Miko Movie, hanya di bioskop 11/09/2014. CP: 081285000335 (Wira)
We have more great suggestions for you.
  Check out more people to follow  

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