Sunday, December 7, 2014

Do you know skyosa, Chrisantya Putri and Devie Devara Y.|Yen² on Twitter?

After School ,
Some people you may know on Twitter.
  After School
skyosa @yorhipradipta
Pluviophile. Introvert. Melankolis
Followed by Fx. Adityo Nugroho and 2 others.
Following: 524 · Followers: 488
Chrisantya Putri @verissaa
Faith, trust and pixie dust.
Followed by Netty Eka Gustanti and 2 others.
Following: 426 · Followers: 762
Devie Devara Y.|Yen² @deephiie
Followed by Elizabeth Arga and 2 others.
Following: 445 · Followers: 637
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