Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Nancy Pelosi Tweeted: Tough talk from a man separating innocent chil...

Your Highlights
Nancy Pelosi
Tough talk from a man separating innocent children from their parents twitter.com/jonallendc/sta…
Devlin Barrett
SCOOP: FBI repeatedly overstated encryption threat figures to Congress, public
Stacey Abrams
You did it.

#TeamAbrams just won our primary election, and this victory belongs to you.

facebook.com/stacey.abrams.… #GAGov #gapol
Joyce Alene
If by most pro-life you mean ripping babies from their mothers at the border, denying pre-natal & childhood medical care & appointing federal judges who won't affirm support for Brown v. Board of Education... twitter.com/markknoller/st…
Patrick Netherton
Quote this tweet with your least-impressive athletic feat you're most unreasonably proud of. Mine: I had an unassisted triple play in T-ball
Mark Stevenson
I have always had a scheduling conflict and have never been able to see both these shows in the same year. This will be my first time seeing Indie Jam. So happy @alt949radio @ksonSanDiego
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