Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The New York Times Tweeted: Andrew Gillum achieved a stunning come-f...

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The New York Times
Andrew Gillum achieved a stunning come-from-behind win over 4 wealthy Democratic challengers whose personal fortunes proved no match for his compelling life story and progressive message
Appi Travels Ltd Official Company Presentation #1 via @YouTube
Nate Silver
My 🔥 take is that by making it harder for anyone to win on the first ballot, the Democrats' changes to their delegate rules could actually give party insiders *more* influence:
Ashley Jacobs
Seriously, how beautiful are these elephants at the @sdzsafaripark 🐘 Sneaking in bath time & playtime before guests arrive today! @CBS8 @thecwsandiego @sdbrichards @sdzglobal @EricNews8 @HeatherNews8
Matthew T. Hall 📚
Rep. Duncan Hunter to @10News: "Leave my wife out of it, leave my family out of it. It's me they're after anyway. They're not after my wife; they want to take me down, that's what they're up to. So let's get this in the arena and have this settled."
Jon Favreau
Millions of dollars in negative ads are about to come from @tedcruz's only friends in the world: rich lobbyists in Washington
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