Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ro Patel liked Maya Sen's Tweet: When you didn't do the reading but ...

Your Highlights
Maya Sen
When you didn't do the reading but the professor calls on you anyway…
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Rachel Smith
Is this you? Are you looking for a new job (or know someone who is)? @GlobalGiving team in #London is looking for a Programme Officer to join our team!
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. @TNLComFund is looking for a #Chair

#AcevoJobs #CharityJobs
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Elena Belen
Lonely? Bored? Tired of too much radio commercial? @alexander_0729 & YoungJoo got U back! #FRENZYFRIENDS gives U d latest trends & topics, culture, fashion & good music not just in South Korea but in other parts of d world, too!Tune in every midnight to 2am KST at TBSefm101.3mhz!
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A common scandal. (via @Powells)
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Turning Tides Team
Sweeping winds, cold rain and grey skies weren't enough to stop the Folk Like Us members making their way to the sandy hub at East beach for a cosy cuppa and chat- determination and dedication! @TNLComFund @ShoeburyRA @savs_southend
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