Thursday, October 3, 2019

Eyes Tweeted: RT @JT_Chicken: I've had a few people ask me about the...

Your Highlights
RT @JT_Chicken: I've had a few people ask me about the Throne of Eldraine Deluxe Collection. Don't spend $450 on Standard cards.
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Slam Dunk
Never forget that Hanamachi got Jordan 6S with 25 cents
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misa •ᴗ•
Instead of their usual ending for Feel Special, TWICE changed it so that they all hugged each other like in Heart Shaker 🥰💕 so cute
#TWICE #FeelSpecial2ndWin
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Nalini Singh
Thank you for making ARCHANGEL'S WAR a New York Times and USA Today Bestseller. 💜 #guildhunter
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Steven Cree
Delivered by someone with zero charm and a horribly smug grin on her face though-out, whilst being cheered about ending free movement once and for all. Being cheered for it. Being. Cheered. Literally 🤯🤯🤯🤯. I mean, what the actual fuck?!…
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Scott is very scary, i promise ⚡️
I have friends who purposely tweet dumb, basic things completely ironically to point out how ridiculous a thought is, and everyday I have to decide if liking their ironic tweet is worth getting a handful of DMs from people who think I'm sincerely supporting it.

Twitter is hell.
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