Friday, June 28, 2024

Beso Chocohlahteh posted: This actually makes me so proud that I adv...

Beso Chocohlahteh's avatar
Beso Chocohlahteh
This actually makes me so proud that I advocated for a glossary in a recent paper, and made "definition graphics" for the social toolkit and campaign.

You're so right. It's so important to level set.…
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Ninja's avatar
Ninja's Video
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William Hulbert Photography's avatar
William Hulbert Photography
Peering in.
#flowers #macro #yellow #joy
William Hulbert Photography's Photo
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Rhianna 🌙's avatar
Rhianna 🌙
RT @birdwarehouse_: you are not alone. theres bugs
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A Derbyshire lads photography's avatar
A Derbyshire lads photography
To hot sleep so I had a play getting this at silly oclock
A Derbyshire lads photography's Photo
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JLO's Divorce Lawyer's avatar
JLO's Divorce Lawyer
I rely too much on applepay. I avoid stores that don't have it, haven't seen my wallet in like 2 days but it's cool applepay got me
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