Sunday, May 4, 2014

Peringatan! Aplikasi ini mengharuskan anda mengaktifkan JAVASCRIPT pada bro...

After School ,
Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.
  After School

Manado Kota @ManadoKota

#top10news Tiga Gunung Berapi di Sulut Berstatus Siaga >>…

02 May

Peringatan! Aplikasi ini mengharuskan anda mengaktifkan JAVASCRIPT pada browser!

- Tiga gunung berapi di Sulawesi Utara, Gunung Lokon, Gunung Karangetang dan Gunung Soputan kini berstatus Siaga. Status itu melekat akibat aktivitas dari gunung terus menunjukkan peningkatan, sehingga perlu diwaspadai…


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Digital 2 Go @digi2go

Reuters: Comcast, EA working on a deal for Madden, FIFA and PvZ on cable boxes: Despite our long wait for a n...

02 May

Reuters: Comcast, EA working on a deal for Madden, FIFA and PvZ on cable boxes

Despite our long wait for a next-gen Sega Channel, the rise of gaming on new platforms and recent push of cloud gaming services, our cable and satellite

Click Web Video @Clickwebvideo

What Really Goes Into Making a Great Viral Video?: Everybody seems to want that 15 minutes of fame for their ...

02 May

What Really Goes Into Making a Great Viral Video?

There's no exact science to the "it" factor per se, but there is a formula that will increase a video's chances of gaining those coveted millions of views.

PR Jobs London @PRJobsLondon

#pr #prjobs The real reasons why people leave PR agency jobs: The average staff turnover at P... #publicrelations

02 May

The real reasons why people leave PR agency jobs

The average staff turnover at PR agencies is around 20%, which means one in five people will leave every year. If you could choose which ones to lose then it might not be so bad, but you can't, which leads to disruption…

Nutrition @EatNutritious

Imagine waking up to this. 😍

02 May



Darth Vader @DepressedDarth

Stormtroopers have families too

02 May



UIP Indonesia @UIPIndonesia

Lihat trailer terbaru dari #TMNTMovie disini

02 May



Big A @PLLbigA

It's a night shoot for the #100thPLL episode tonight! (Stay away from the woods Liars!) #BTS

02 May



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