Monday, May 19, 2014

The Ol' Switcheroo

After School ,
Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.
  After School

ESPN @espn

Field a ball in the stands, give the lady behind you a fake one

This young @Rangers fan is a smooth operator.

18 May

The Ol' Switcheroo

ESPN Video: A young Texas Rangers fan slyly convinced a lady sitting behind him that he gave her a ball thrown from the field when, in actuality, he kept that ball and gave her another instead.


Related tweets

Ashley S. @DashleyinCali

"@UTWatchdog: Efforts to boost inmate fire crews lag" Fascinating look at the inmate fire crews.

18 May

Efforts to boost inmate fire crews lag

The wildfires roaring through San Diego County this week have renewed a debate over whether more inmates should work preventing fires in the offseason — and fighting them once they erupt.


Related tweets

Bridget Ayers @BridgetAyers

10 Essential Services for Your Lazy Sunday

18 May

10 Essential Services for Your Lazy Sunday

Apps that will allow society to become infinitely lazier because these apps give you no reason to leave the couch.

Kimberly Dotseth @blendrealestate

Inside the 9/11 museum's offensive gift shop…

18 May

Inside the 9/11 museum's offensive gift shop

The museum at Ground Zero tells the dark story of the 9/11 terror attacks with spectacular artifacts and exhibits. It pays heart-wrenching tribute to the innocents and heroes killed that day. It al...

Yayo⛵️ @goofy_lingo

2015 proms gonna be epic

18 May



Get Bandz @realjayk

18 May



SDLA @LeadershipSD

18 May



A-Raack$Z @amandaa_ocaampo

we need to get Dionne on the @PromPics page everyone😍👏

18 May



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