Friday, January 4, 2019

Sandy Coronilla Tweeted: Oh. I think I love her.

Your Highlights
Sandy Coronilla
Oh. I think I love her.…
Jerry Brown
Thank you, California.
Nicholas T McDowell
My girlfriend @vtresmonos, who has carried twins, pointed out that wizards would just have figured out how to remove the waste directly from their bodies to relieve discomfort. Like they would have a spell of 8 hour bladder relief and be done with it all.…
1) Years ago when I wrote for David Letterman we would make these fake broadway shows and put them on at the end of the show and never tell the audience they were fake. No one ever knew.
Scott Dworkin
"Listen you mother fuckers—we're gonna tax you 25%," Trump said to China in this video I found. Spare me this fake controversy around Rep Rashida Tlaib.
Candice Eley
I truly assumed Bird Box was some kind of monthly product delivery service until I was told otherwise
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