Tuesday, March 19, 2019

π”Ύπ• π• π•˜π•’π•π•ͺ π”»π• π• π•˜π•’??π•ͺ™ liked Rolling Stone's Tweet: #LoveDea...

Your Highlights
Rolling Stone
#LoveDeathAndRobots is Netflix's attempt to do a next-gen 'Heavy Metal' — but maybe this animated sci-fi anthology needs to start prizing quality over quantity. Our review rol.st/2FbL5NO
Darth Vader
When the cloak comes off
Dungeon Facts
Every time I go back to reading about ancient philosophy I keep thinking hylomorphism or the eidos sound like cool foundations for magic systems, until I remember that they are so hard to express coherently even when you take the idea seriously.
Stillwater Baseball
Burns, Holliday, Meyer, Young, & Ford. Ladies and gentlemen, The Jackson 5. #SB2019
Greta Thunberg
Over 25000 scientists from Germany, Switzerland and Austria support #SchoolsStrike4Climate and #FridaysForFuture twitter.com/rahmstorf/stat…
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