Thursday, June 13, 2019

Johanes Hari S P liked Salt 🍞's Tweet: pouting Jihyo so cute 🧡

Your Highlights
Salt 🍞
pouting Jihyo

so cute 🧡
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You're Shiba chan. You are feeling very hungry. You would...?

A. ignore the cat, get up and have breakfast. Stomach > everything.
B. maintain this position, better not disturb the cat's beauty sleep.
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OSU Registrar
Nope, the circus isn't in town and those aren't clowns! That is frontline staff members Rhonda Davis, Nick Armour and Assistant Registrar Betsey Weaver learning a lot today at the OACRAO Summer 2019 Frontline Workshop! #iamokstate
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Happy Birthday TZUYU
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Alex Boake 🌈 2K Rᴀғғʟᴇ
The highest CR monster in D&D is scheduling.
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pixelatedboat aka "mr tweets"
HOT TAKE: Men In Black International isn't international enough and should instead star Jackie Chan and Gerard Depardieu
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