We're very proud to present our learning on working with older men and doing outreach. Today we are holding two seminars to share this learning. If you couldn't make it today but would like to read the reports, you can find them here: @TNLComFund
Privileged to be part of @TNLComFund@TNLComFundWales 25th birthday launch in Wales event today. As a recipient of funding, we know the huge impact the National Lottery makes.
New illustrations for POHA House project. Got to work with the great @_Passport on this, and I'm very pleased how it's turned out. (full details: wearepassport.com/project/poha/)
One of the sources for my book—who spent his childhood in a Japanese concentration camp in Wyoming—regularly visits family detention centers. I asked him once how the two compared.
"Brad," he said. "It's worse than anything we ever experienced."
Trump Administration to Hold Migrant Children at Base That Served as WWII Japanese Internment Camp
HHS said Fort Sill will be used "as a temporary emergency influx shelter"
West Coast Twitter culture is opening the app in the morning to realize that the East Coast has already had a scandal and a backlash and a backlash to the backlash and all you can do is try to piece it all together like Columbo.
We've just received #NationalLottery funding helping us to provide physiotherapy for people with #MS over the next five years! Thank you to everyone who plays The National Lottery for supporting us.
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