Saturday, September 22, 2018

Mike McIntire Tweeted: NEW: Oligarch who funded “NRA spy” Maria Buti...

Your Highlights
Mike McIntire
NEW: Oligarch who funded "NRA spy" Maria Butina has ties to Russian security services ⁦@nytimes
Craig Elsten
I have yet to ever regret clicking play on the @voiceofsandiego podcast. Good listen this morning @vosdscott @andy_keatts @SaraLibby
Voice of San Diego
Politics Report: Get ready for another push for a special election, the effort to weaponize NIMBYism in District 6 and more.
Sheryl Gay Stolberg
NEW: Talks between Blasey Ford and Senate Republicans appear to have broken down. Grassley set a committee vote on Kavanaugh for Monday. Blasey Ford lawyers sent blistering e-mail accusing Republicans of bullying their client. Update to story coming soon.
San Diego Padres
Clutch K by @e_lauer10 to end the 5th!

#LetsGoPadres #BeatLA
Nichelle Medina
Honored to serve as emcee at #Walk2EndAlz in #Escondido
Thank you for allowing me share my story on how this disease has impacted my family. @SanDiegoAlz @CBS8 @News8 @thecwsandiego
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