Monday, November 12, 2018

Barack Obama Tweeted: Michelle and I are heartbroken for everybody w...

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Barack Obama
Michelle and I are heartbroken for everybody who's lost so much in California, and grateful for the heroism of the firefighters who've been risking their lives around the clock to save others. Please do what you can to help our fellow Americans in need:
Fitrian P Trivialdo
@Regran_ed from @freizanafis - Each rehearsal is the new lesson to learn, not only Moves, Action & Emotions, but also gratitude that we are all gather together for the same goal as a……
Justin Timberlake
And I want to thank MY better half, my rock, my soulmate, my publicist @jimmyfallon...
Beth Demmon
I drank my way through New Orleans and somehow managed to write about it for @SDCityBeat:
Rebecca Traister
Rep. Barbara Lee is running for Dem caucus chair this month. There has NEVER before been a black woman in House leadership in either the Democratic or Republican parties.
NPR Politics
#BREAKING: Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is projected to defeat Republican Martha McSally in the race for Senate in Arizona.
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