Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Eyes Tweeted: RT @Kmza_: new gens wont understand

Your Highlights
RT @Kmza_: new gens wont understand
Katharine Hayhoe
The Fourth US National Climate Assessment was released on Friday. Since then, a number of politicians + pundits have made statements about it that are not accurate. As an author, I'm here to set the record straight. Here we go! (thread)
seorang alien
RT @Voyboy: Spongebob and Patrick brought me so much happiness throughout my childhood and life. Thanks for all the laughs, lessons and mem…
#GivingTuesday is finally here! 🎉 We're setting our sights on raising $1 million today for community-led nonprofits around the world. Support your favorite and we'll boost your donation.
Pete Haas
Got a humble suggestion for you, @GeneralMills.
Tim O'Brien
A new government watchdog memo says the Trump administration waived rigorous background checks — including finger-printing — for all staff working at the nation's largest detention camp for migrant children .
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